
Plants by Common Name

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Alnus rhombifolia Native Plant

White Alder, Western Alder

Betula pendula

White Birch, European White Birch

Ambrosia dumosa Native Plant

White Bursage

Leucophyllum frutescens 'White Cloud'

White Cloud Texas Ranger

Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor'

White Compact Yeddo Hawthorn

Sphaeralcea ambigua 'White' Native Plant

White Globe Mallow

Morus alba

White or Silkworm Mulberry

Cistus X hybridus

White Rockrose

Salvia greggii 'Alba'

White Texas Sage

Acacia constricta

Whitethorn Acacia

Cotoneaster salicifolius

Willowleaf Cotoneaster

Trachycarpus fortunei

Windmill, Hemp, Chusan Palm

Ceratoides lanata Native Plant


Buddleja marrubiifolia

Woolly Butterfly Bush

Achillea tomentosa

Woolly Yarrow, Woolly Mat

Eriogonum wrightii Native Plant

Wright's Buckwheat

Xylosma congestum

Xylosma, Glossy Xylosma

Ceanothus griseus hor. 'Yankee Point' Native Plant

Yankee Point California Lilac

Caesalpinia gilliesii

Yellow Bird Of Paradise

Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'

Yellow Lady Banks' Rose

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